Meet Kendall
Meet Kendall
An outgoing 3-year-old who loves to swim!
At two years old, Kendall was like most kids her age. She was active, bubbly, and loved being outside. But Kendall also had a noticeable red mark between her right eye and the bridge of her nose. After having it checked out a couple times it did not seem to be a concern. But around Christmas time, it started to grow in size.
Picture: Kendall staying strong in the hospital during her treatments.
Kendall was then referred to Childrens Hospital where she had an ultrasound and an MRI before having the bump surgically removed in April of 2022. Once removed doctors knew that this growing bump was a tumour and it was sent away for testing.
Ten days later, Kendall was diagnosed with an aggressive category of Rhabdomyosarcoma, a less common type of pediatric cancer. Shortly after her diagnosis, Kendall had port surgery and began her 42 weeks of high dose chemo in the beginning of May. Kendall and family had to relocate to Winnipeg for the 42 weeks of treatment as we lived too far from the hospital when Kendall’s blood counts would be low and she was high risk of infections. Only returning home to Plumas, MB for a handful of days at a time about every 2-3 weeks in between chemo treatments.
Kendall also needed to have radiation and was referred to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota to receive “Proton Beam Radiation”. Proton Beam Radiation is a type of radiation that is sadly not offered anywhere in Canada, however this radiation was a safer option for Kendall as there was significantly less long-term side effects to a small and growing child. For the months of August and September we lived in Rochester while Kendall received 28 treatments of radiation, sedated each time and while still having her regular chemo treatments.
Picture: Kendall has to travel to Winnipeg once a week for her maintenance treatments.
Kendall has finished her last high-dose chemo treatment in February and then began her 6 months of maintenance chemo at the beginning of March, Kendall is now able to live at home full time again and travel back and forth to Winnipeg once a week for her maintenance treatments as well as take oral treatments from home. She will be monitored closely for years to come with regular scans in hopes that her cancer does not return. Kendall is relieved to be able to live in her own home again and have her family all together full time.
Kendall has grown up in a hurry this last year having to go through as much as she has and she amazes her family every single day. Her outgoing personality is truly what has gotten herself and her family through the last year. Kendall loves to be outside and is a true farm kid, spending time in the city going to weekly, sometimes daily appointments was very trying for her. She cannot wait for summer to come and start getting back to some regular kid activities!
Kendall hasn’t decided on her Dream Come True yet, but loves to swim and has mentioned she would love to have her very own pool! And with your help, we can bring Kendall’s Dream to life!