Meet Marek
Meet Marek
A kind, loving and caring boy who loves fishing, camping, and frogs!
Marek’s parents would describe their 5-year-old son as open-minded and happy. He was an answer to his families prayers after they lost their first child shortly after birth.
His family describes him as a kind, loving and caring boy. He loves going to school and spending time with his friends. Family is very important to him and he loves his little brother.
Last June, just after Marek finished Kindergarten, his family received a call that is every parents worst nightmare: they learned that their son had cancer.
Marek was diagnosed with Standard Risk-High B-cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Doctors have said that he has a 50% chance of survival.
“Marek has proven himself to be a very brave fighter. He’s endured his treatments without grumbling, and has remained strong in his fight. ”
“It’s been an incredibly challenging journey for Marek and his family. The disease itself, combined with the effects of the chemotherapy have been hard on Marek. In addition, all of the treatments take place in Winnipeg - an hour away from the family’s home in Steinbach”
At that moment, Marek’s family’s world came crashing down. Their new world quickly became one of hospital stays, clinic visits, intense treatments, medical tests, and chemotherapy.
It’s been an incredibly challenging journey for Marek and his family. The disease itself, combined with the effects of the chemotherapy have been hard on Marek. In addition, all of the treatments take place in Winnipeg - an hour away from the family’s home in Steinbach.
Marek has proven himself to be a very brave fighter. He’s endured his treatments without grumbling, and has remained strong in his fight. It’s been hard on his parents, and his little brother too.
Outside of Marek’s illness, his favourite season is summer, and he can’t wait for it to arrive. He loves going fishing, camping and being outdoors. His favourite animal are frogs, and he always tries to find one in the garden or by the lake. He gets very excited for anything that has a frog on it, whether it’s a book, toy, stuffy or pretty much anything! His family shared that he has a keen ability to spot everything and anything that has a frog on it.
Pictured: Marek LOVES Monster Trucks, and he has a good collection starting already. He knows them all by name!
Marek also loves Monster Trucks, and he has a good collection starting already. He knows them all by name!
Despite a long journey ahead - The Dream Factory is working to support Marek and his family the best they can.
First, Marek’s family will have access to our Dream Family Funds - additional financial support that will help in small part with the unexpected costs of having a child in the midst of a difficult fight: time off of work, additional childcare, travel costs to and from Winnipeg.
We’re also working towards making Marek’s dream come true. As Marek goes through his treatments, he’s giving a lot of thought as to what he’d like his dream come true to be.
He loves traveling and spending time on the beach and originally was thinking of travelling to Disneyland, Disney World or somewhere where he could swim with dolphins. However, with the pandemic Marek has started to spend more time dreaming about having an incredible camping adventure with his family!
Marek’s Dream Come True
Pictured: Marek on a camping trip with his family’s new camper trailer!
Thanks to our Dream Community as well as the support of Emergent Biosolutions and the Steinbach Realtor’s Golf Tournament, Marek’s Dream Came True! He and his family are off on many a weekend adventure with their new camper trailer! We are so grateful to have been part of Marek’s Journey!