Meet Anna

Anna is very special for so many reasons - most importantly her HUGE personality. She is a little one who is a mix of all the best things in this world: easy going, happy, loving. In school, she's the Queen Bee! Everyone comes looking for her, especially when they are having a bad day as Anna's calm nature lifts their spirits.

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Our Response to COVID-19

The last few weeks have been full of uncertainty for all of us. We hope that you are all staying healthy, and safe; and are sending a little bit of extra love to our Dream Factory families already dealing with some very tough situations.

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BlogAndrew Kussy
Meet Ethan

We were ecstatic when we learned that we were expecting. For months we thought of what we would name our beloved boy. Finally, we decided on Ethan Leon. Ethan - just because, and Leon - because we loved Lions. We knew we were naming our boy after an animal symbolic for strength and courage. Little did we know though, how soon he would prove to live up to it.

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Meet Logan

On November 25, 2017, our world was turned upside down. Our son Logan, who was 5 at the time, was diagnosed with T-Cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. Late in the night he had kept saying his throat hurt and felt funny. We let him sleep with us and are beyond thankful we did. A few short hours later he was panicking and jumped out of bed and tried to let out a cry but couldn’t. We very quickly turned the light on to find him blue and unable to breathe.

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